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Training of mentors:Applicants who qualified undertaking the Mentorship training
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Partnership opportunities:We are welcoming partners who wish to join us in positively impacting our youth, our community and our country. Contact us for more information
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Launch of Mavenmentorship:The launch of Maven Mentorship on January 12th 2023
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Industrial Visit to Synresins Ltd.:Industrial Visit to Synresins Ltd for Risha Education Centre courtesy of Synresins Ltd and The Maven Mentorship Society. The educational tour of the factory generously included lunch and gifts from Synresins Ltd. The students and staff heard Mr. Arun Devani’s motivational life story as he encouraged them never to give up, always work hard and uphold positive values.
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24 May 2024 launch at Ndurarua highschool:
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Mentor's Perspective by Mercy W. Wanjohi:As the Maven Mentorship Society celebrated its 2nd year anniversary, the mentors and directors shared their perspectives on this great feat and what it has meant to them so far. Mercy has been one of our Maven Mentors and she shares her perspective on the impact of the program so far.
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Founding Director's Perspective by Bethuel Omolo:As the Maven Mentorship Society celebrated it's 2nd year anniversary, the mentors and directors shared their perspectives on this great feat and what it has meant to them so far. Bethuel has been one of our Founding Directors at Maven Mentorship and he shares his perspective on the impact of the program so far.
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Founding Director's Perspective by Dr. Henry Wamwayi:As the Maven Mentorship Society celebrated it's 2nd year anniversary, the mentors and directors shared their perspectives on this great feat and what it has meant to them so far. Dr. Henry Wamwayi has been one of our Founding Directors at Maven Mentorship and he shares his perspective on the impact of the program so far.
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Founding Director's Perspective by Steve V. Le Feuvre:As the Maven Mentorship Society celebrated it's 2nd year anniversary, the mentors and directors shared their perspectives on this great feat and what it has meant to them so far. Steve V. Le Feuvre has been one of our Founding Directors at Maven Mentorship and he shares his perspective on the impact of the program so far.
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Mentor's Perspective by Benta Achieng:As the Maven Mentorship Society celebrated it's 2nd year anniversary, the mentors and directors shared their perspectives on this great feat and what it has meant to them so far. Benta Achieng has been one of our Maven Mentors and she shares her perspective on the impact of the program so far.
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Maven's Co-Founder Perspective by Stephen Wandera:As the Maven Mentorship Society celebrated it's 2nd year anniversary, the mentors and directors shared their perspectives on this great feat and what it has meant to them so far. Stephen Wandera has been one of our Co-Founders at Maven Mentorship and he shares his perspective on the impact of the program so far.
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A video of one of our inaugural mentee:Meet Elizabeth Mukhasia, a parent of a student at the Risha Education Student. She speaks on the impact Maven's Mentor program has brought to the institution and her child, listen to her story and learn about the impact of our programs. Maven Mentorship is happy and honored to have partnerships with organizations, individuals who support us through financial support, donations in kind and through mentorship and support for our programs. If you're inspired as an individual or organization that can support our cause, please reach out to and we'd be happy to discuss.
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Maven Mentorship | Ndurarua School Graduation Dec 2024:The graduation of the mentees at Ndurarua High School marks a significant milestone in their journey